Legal notices – Camping Beau Rivage
These terms and conditions have been compiled by us.
The obligatory articles of law and legal mentions have been included in the text, they refer to a general legal context in case of dispute between different parties.
Company name: CAMPING BEAU RIVAGE Legal form: SARL (limited liability company) with a capital of 114000 €
Address: Les Mazes 07150 VALLON PONT D’ARC, FRANCE
Tel : 00 33 475 88 03 54
Email: (the final destination address of your email will be
Editorial Responsibility of the site and management of its contents: Armel and Jérôme MASSOT – Owners – managers
RCS (Register of Commerce): Aubenas
SIRET N° (Company Registration Number): 327 619 680 00017
Intra-community VAT number: FR53 327 619 680 – RC 83 B 84
Credits :
Photo credits: Camping Beau Rivage (all rights reserved) – Adrien LOUCHE/Pomclic (all rights reserved) – Pixabay CC0 Public domain – Wikimédia public domain
Conception, creation and realisation of the site :
POMCLIC Sarl – Scop with variable social capital
4, rue du Bac 07120 RUOMS, France
Tel: 00 33 475 35 38 22
Email: (the final destination address of your email will be
RCS (Register of Commerce): Aubenas 800 350 258
SIRET N° (Company Registration Number): 800 350 258 00011 – Code APE: 7021Z
Intra-community VAT number: FR86800350258
Graphic conception: POMCLIC SARL – 4 rue du Bac 07120 RUOMS
Text credits: Pascal VANIER/Pomclic – all rights reserved
Treatment of personal information, right of access, modification and suppression
Any personal information collected will not become the object of automated treatment. The data on traffic is collected in the sole aim to allow us to analyse the visits of the informative pages of our website, in order to improve their content. The information regarding the navigation of visitors on our website is not exploited individually. It is aggregated statistics enabling us to know which pages are the most and the least popular, which routes are most chosen, the level of activity per day of the week and per hour of the day, the main errors made by clients or by the server.
We remind you that the confidentiality of correspondence transmitted via internet is not guaranteed. Each user is therefore personally responsible for the contents of his correspondence. In accordance with article 34 of the data protection law 78-17 of the 6th January 1978 regarding information, files and other liberties, you have the right to access and to correct your personal data. To do so, simply send your request by mail to: CAMPING BEAU RIVAGE , les Mazes 07150 VALLON PONT D’ARC
Statutory requirements:
The different elements of the web site (composition, layout, setting/ content, structure…) are protected by the law on designs and models, the law on copyright, the trademark law as well as the law on rights on images and may not be copied or imitated, be it entirely or partially, unless explicit authorization of CAMPING BEAU RIVAGE , les Mazes 07150 VALLON PONT D’ARC. Anyone not respecting the applicable statutory requirements is guilty of forgery and liable to any legal penalties.
The present website constitutes a work of which CAMPING BEAU RIVAGE , les Mazes 07150 VALLON PONT D’ARC is the author as understood in the articles L. 111.1 and following of the Code on intellectual property. The photos, texts, logos, pictograms as well as any other works integrated in the site are the property of CAMPING BEAU RIVAGE , les Mazes 07150 VALLON PONT D’ARC or of third parties having authorised CAMPING BEAU RIVAGE , les Mazes 07150 VALLON PONT D’ARC to use them (except the photos of Hervé AMICHAUD and Adrien LOUCHE and the texts of Pascal VANIER who remain owners of their rights)
Reproduction, transmission, modification, re-use, be it on paper or computer format, of the above mentioned website and the works reproduced on it, is only authorized for personal and private use, corresponding to the stipulations of article L122-5 of the Intellectual property law. These reproductions will have to clearly mention, in particular, the source and author of the site and/or of the multimedia works. These reproductions must on no account cause prejudice to the rights of third parties. Reproductions, transmissions, modifications, re-use for advertising , for commercial or for informative purposes of all or part of the website, is strictly forbidden.
Database Law
Databases are protected by the law of 1st July 1998 and the French system on copyright.
Creation of links with the website
CAMPING BEAU RIVAGE , les Mazes 07150 VALLON PONT D’ARC autorises the insertion of a hypertext link towards its website for all other websites, except those containing controversial information, or those sites of which the content is violent, pornographic, xenophobic or can, in a larger sense, upset the sensitivity of the general public.
The link must lead to the homepage of the website and the site must appear in a new window. The pages of the site must, in no case, be integrated amongst the pages of another website (Frame).
In any case, CAMPING BEAU RIVAGE, les Mazes 07150 VALLON PONT D’ARC reserves the right to demand the suppression of any link to a website of which they consider it does not respect the above defined rules.
Links towards other websites from the site
CAMPING BEAU RIVAGE, les Mazes 07150VALLON PONT D’ARC disclaims all responsibility for the hyperlinks put in place on the website leading to other sites and/or personal pages and, in general, towards any existing resource on the internet regarding any links they may contain or any changes or updates that may have been carried out.
General warning
Our services make all possible attempts to offer visitors of this website accurate and verified information. Even so, despite all our efforts, the site may contain inexact information, faults linked to the updates or errors. We would be grateful if the users of our site would inform us about any possible omission, error or correction via email or mail.